Knowledge transfer : sustainable construction in Morocco 

  • Mission: Assembly and coordination of workshops and design of educational tools
  • Partenaire: School of Architecture of Casablanca, Unesco Chair "Earth Architecture and Territorial Developmentā€
  • Implementation Period: 2014 - 2016

The project supported by the School of Architecture of Casablanca and the Unesco Chair "Earthen Architecture and Territorial Development" promoted the transfer of knowledge of construction technologies in the urban areas of Casablanca and Marrakech. The objective of this mission was to establish a cycle of specialization in order to guarantee innovative and sustainable architecture in Morocco in the long term. 

A program of workshops and seminars supervised by experts was implemented around the following themes: acquisition of knowledge in sustainable development adapted to the climate, assembly of specifications according to ecological criteria for territories, buildings and technical equipment. 

This was followed by manuals, which were developed for use in training centers and for decision-makers, but also for the administrative departments and institutions concerned.

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