Protecting the fragile ecosystem in the Lake Chad Basin

  • Mission:  Protecting the fragile ecosystem in the Lake Chad Basin
  • Client: GIZ
  • Implementation period: 04/2023-09/2023

On behalf of GIZ, ICM has drawn up a development programme to conserve the water resources of Lake Chad for the Lake Chad Bassin Commission (LCBC), which comprises the six member countries Cameroon, Niger, Nigeria, Chad and the Central African Republic. The Lake Chad basin is one of Africa's largest water catchment areas, home to around 38 million people. With extensive pasture and arable land and rich fish stocks, it is both an economically and ecologically important area for its neighbouring countries. 

The fragile ecosystem of the Lake Chad Basin is under enormous pressure due to overexploitation of natural resources. The climate scenario predicts a decrease in annual precipitation, which is currently around 240 mm in the Sahel region of the Lake Chad Basin and around 1,250 mm in the south of the basin. The aim of the development programme, in which projects are being implemented by GIZ and the Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR) on behalf of the BMZ, is to sustainably improve the living conditions of the population through integrated, efficient and sustainable management of water resources and strengthening the resilience of production systems and ecosystems to climate change.

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